
Lean In @Dreamforce with Sheryl Sandberg

Great talk by Sheryl Sandberg. What took this issue so long to be addressed?

I am reminded of a story that happened to me my first day at work at a  small tech company. The President comes to my desk and welcomes me. He says. “I’m always glad to have another woman. They work twice as hard for half as much.”

I kept my mouth shut and thought to myself, “I’ve just been granted the best information I could have. The game is rigged and now you know it.”

Fast forward. The President is fired.  The company is bought. I get fired. The next day I get a call from my boss and he says, “It was a mistake to fire you. The new owners say you have to be a part of the package. They want you.” I said, “Fine.  I’ll come back and this is how much I want.” Boss: “You wouldn’t do this to me!” Me: “Yes.”

I get the raise. I return,  I get 2 more promotions with raises over the next two years before I leave.

Sheryl: Thank you for calling out the gender issue.  This time, it will stick.







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  • Reply
    November 20, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    What issue are you referring to in your post?

    • Reply
      November 21, 2013 at 1:53 am

      The issue is gender inequality. Women get hired less and still make less than men.

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